Jasmine's story and goals for GSC (Global Stray Care)

Global Stray Care

As so many others experience at one point or the other in life, I felt like I was trapped in a job and a life that did not really fulfill me or bring happiness. I knew where my passion laid, animals and nature, and wanted to fly, but did not know how to get there. 
My entire life I've been gravitating towards nature and animals and have always felt a strong connection with the entire natural and animal kingdom. From the moment I adopted a street dog from Spain, Perro, my life started to make sense. It was a complicated and difficult journey, but Perro guided me and showed me the way. When Perro past away and found his own liberation, it set me free somehow to follow my purpose in this life and start helping strays across the world.It gave me the wings and conifence I needed to follow what I was meant to do in this life.

As doors and paths started to open and life flowed more easily, I went to Nepal and started working as a Program Manager for an NGO in Kathmandu that takes care of the street dogs. Located in Boudhanath area, where the biggest Buddhist temple in Nepal is build, we worked tirelessly together to improve the life of these animals. The dogs showed me even more my path and gave me a job too! 
More and more, it became clear I was doing the right thing. After some years in Nepal, I had to move on and started traveling the Southern European countries and helping strays there. In Greece, Portugal and finally ending in Gozo, where I found a connection and energy to set up a sanctuary and a little home to help strays here, as well as continuing helping them around the world.